
Senior Advisor

ESSEC Business School
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Postes et Télécommunications

Non-profit organisation

Martin Vial joined Montefiore Investment in June 2022 as a Senior Advisor. He has more than 40 years’ experience as an executive in the service sector and as a professional shareholder, with expertise in the support, development and management of major French and European groups and SMEs.

After holding various positions in ministerial cabinets, Martin Vial was appointed Chairman and CEO of Aéropostale in 1993 before becoming CEO of Groupe La Poste in 1997.

In 2000, he was appointed Chairman of Groupe La Poste and Vice-Chairman of Caisse Nationale de Prévoyance (CNP). From 2003 to 2014, he was Chief Executive Officer of the Europ Assistance Group, the world leader in assistance services with 44 subsidiaries in 33 countries.

In 2015, Martin Vial was appointed Commissaire aux participations de l’Etat, Chief Executive Officer of the Agence des participations de l’Etat and will hold these positions until 1 June 2022. He also has extensive experience in corporate governance, having served on the boards of SMEs, ETIs and very large listed companies.

“Montefiore is an exceptional team, combining youth and seniority, commitment and professionalism, performance and human values, rigour and humour, availability and team spirit.”

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